Simple nail care
If you have difficulty cutting your nails, Amanda can cut and file them for you, as well as giving your feet a health check.
Thickened and damaged nails
Nails can become thickened, seperated from the underlying skin, and distorted in shape. Amanda can assess the cause of the damage and treat by thinning thickened nails, cutting back damaged sections of nails and provide self care advice and/or ongoing care.
Fungal nails
Typically fungal nails are discoloured and can be thickened, crumbly, and seperate from the underlying skin. A test can be carried out to determine if a fungal infection is present, and treatment options can be discussed and provided. Amanda is trained in the Lacuna method to treat fungal nails, where micro holes are drilled into the affected nails to enable an antifungal medicament to reach and treat the underlying infected nail bed.
Corns and callus
Corns and callus are areas of thickened skin formed by excessive pressure and friction. They can be painful and can develop on any part of the foot. Footwear, sporting activities, bony prominences, and biomechanical factors can contribute towards the development and reoccurence of corns and callus. Amanda can remove the thickened skin with a scalpel blade. Treatment options to offload and minimise pressure can be discussed and provided.
Athletes foot (fungal skin infection)
Skin fungal infections can cause cracks, redness, itching and/or burning, or they might be asymptomatic and present similar to dry skin – with circular dried flaky patches. Skin fungal infections can spread to the nails and vice versa. Amanda will assess and provide treatment as required.
Verrucas are warts on the foot. They are benign growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can resolve without treatment, with over the counter remedies and/or stronger podiatric treatments. Indicators for seeking podiatry treatment: when verrucas spread, become painful or cause concern. At Tailored Footcare, Amanda can provide advice and treatment for verrucas, including medium to strong acids and cryotherapy.
Amanda can provide treatment for superficial wounds: assess wound risk, severity and cause, remove devitalised tissue by sharps debridement, clean the wound, apply antiseptic sterile dressings, and offload the affected area. If a bacterial infection is suspected antibiotics will need to be obtained via prescription from your GP. If specialist medical consultation is required, I will write to your GP recommending they refer you.